Landschaftsverband Rheinland - Qualität für Menschen

LVR-Archäologischer Park Xanten

Bildleiste Service

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The APX is Germany's biggest and most visited archaeological open-air museum and at the same time one of the most important research centres on Roman archaeology north of the Alps.

The APX offers the media and press numerous possibilities to produce special features on Roman history which permit to explain and experience subjects like Roman life, trade and crafts in a comprehensible and scientifically sound manner.

The APX provides insights into modern archaeology. Scientists from the entire range of archaeological research work at the APX.

Excavations and explanations for different target groups supplement and deepen the impressions.

Film and photo shoots have to be requested in advance and authorised in writing by the APX. Please contact us directly to make individual arrangements.

Most of the photos shown on our website were shot by Axel Thünker DGPh.

For more information about our service for the media, please contact our PR Officer:

Bianca Kühlborn M. A.
Phone +49 (0) 2801 712–129
Fax +49 (0) 2801 712–149

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