
This website is published by the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (LVR). The LVR is a public corporation. It is represented by the LVR director Ulrike Lubek.


LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten / LVR-RömerMuseum
Bahnhofstr. 46-50
46509 Xanten
Tel 02801 712-0
Fax 02801 712-149
Landschaftsverband Rheinland
(Rhineland Regional Association)
Kennedy-Ufer 2
50679 Cologne
Tel 0221 809-0
Fax 0221 809-2200

VAT identification number

(VAT ID no.): DE 122 656 988

Responsible supervisory authority

Ministry for Home Affairs, Local Government, Construction and Digitization of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia,
Jürgensplatz 1, 40219 Düsseldorf

Responsible in accordance with Section 18 of the State Media Treaty (MStV)

LVR Communications Department
Head: Dr. Doris Hildesheim
Tel 0221 809-0
Fax 0221 809-2200

Responsible in the LVR Department of Culture and Landscape Cultural Care

Department Head Dr. Corinna Franz
Tel 0221 809-3785 or -3786
Fax 0221 809-3679

Responsible in the LVR Archaeological Park Xanten

Bianca Kühlborn
Public Relations
Tel 02801 712-127
Fax 02801 712-149

Overall coordination of the Internet presence

LVR Communications Department
Online editorial team
Jennifer Büth / Jürgen Grommes / Andrea Steinert

Web server and technical support

Do you have technical questions about the functionality of the website? Then please send an email to:

Legal notice privacy policy

You can find more information on the subject of data protection on our privacy policy page.

Information on privacy policy disclaimer

The information on the online offer is constantly updated. Despite careful processing, data may have changed or errors may have occurred. We ask for your understanding for this. Please notify us if our own content is not completely error-free, up-to-date and complete. Please use our contact form for these messages.
The LVR creates the information for this website with great care and endeavors to ensure that it is up-to-date, correct and complete. All content is intended for general information and does not constitute a business, legal or other advisory service. The LVR assumes no liability and is not liable for any material or immaterial damage caused by use of the service, unless it can be proven that it was caused by intent or gross negligence.
The laws, regulations and decrees published on this website have been carefully compiled, but make no claim to being up-to-date or complete. The current version published in the relevant publication bodies (in particular the Law and Ordinance Gazette of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Official Gazette) is legally binding.
This website contains references to numerous offers on the Internet. The content of the linked pages is designed by institutions over which the LVR has no influence. The LVR does not adopt the content listed there as its own. No liability is accepted for the offers of third parties.
If the LVR determines or becomes aware that the linked websites contain illegal content or content that is incompatible with the LVR's mission statement, the relevant links will be removed immediately.
We would also like to point out that parts of the pages or the entire offer of this website can be changed, supplemented or deleted without separate notice. The temporary or permanent termination of publication is also possible without notice.


The content of the LVR's websites is protected by copyright. This applies in particular to photos, graphics and logos, video files as well as all texts and data. Reproduction in other media requires the prior written consent of the LVR.

Image credits

The photos on the APX website are predominantly by Axel Thünker DGPh and are all protected by copyright.