To meet the constantly growing demand for practical excavation courses, the APX has launched a teaching excavation that is unique in Europe: the International Archaeological Summer Academy Xanten.
Thirty archaeology students from many European countries take part in this teaching excavation every year. The summer academy offers students who have not yet gained any excavation experience in particular the opportunity to learn the excavation trade from A to Z. The programme includes photographing and measuring features as well as handling freshly recovered finds.
Wonder what that is?
Students live free of charge in the Roman Hostel and receive pocket money
Learn from the best: Archaeozoology
Learn from the best: archaeological drawing
Wonder what that is?
Students live free of charge in the Roman Hostel and receive pocket money
Learn from the best: Archaeozoology
Learn from the best: archaeological drawing
Wonder what that is?
In order to be prepared for the job, the students experience everyday excavation work up close for four weeks at a time - from sweaty shovelling to precise drawing. The students also keep a scientific diary. In addition, they are introduced to the identification of finds and the neighbouring disciplines of geology, archaeozoology and archaeobotany by renowned experts. Excursions to archaeological highlights in the surrounding area round off the programme. This varied programme has made the Xanten Summer Academy a well-known and popular institution.
The excavation
The participants of the Summer Academy explore a densely built-up residential neighbourhood on Insula 38. During this excavation, the remains of houses and other traces of settlement near the Roman hostel are examined. These houses were mainly inhabited by craftsmen and their families in the 2nd and 3rd centuries.
Apply for the 37th IASX by 11 April!
Send us your detailed application here! And please do not forget the following points:
Name, age, current address with telephone number and e-mail address
University, indication of major and minor subjects, number of semesters
Excavation experience or specialisation
Selection: 1st campaign from 21.7. to 15.8.2025 or 2nd campaign from 25.8. to 19.9.2025
IMPORTANT: All courses are taught in German. Applicants from non-German-speaking countries require an official language certificate.
March to October: Monday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
November: Monday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
December to February: Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Park and museum are closed on December 24, 25 and 31. Open on New Year's Day.
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