Welcome! Image gallery: the entrance towards the city centre
Welcome! Image gallery: front of the LVR-RömerMuseum
Welcome! Gable of the Harbour Temple with ablossoming bough in the foreground
Welcome! Image gallery: interior view of the LVR-RömerMuseum
Welcome! The Harbour Temple behind blossoming trees
Welcome! Image gallery: gladiators in the dungeons of the amphitheatre
Welcome! Wild flowers at the craftmens' houses
Welcome! Image gallery: airial photo of the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten
Welcome! Guided tour for children
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Welcome to the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten!

Welcome to the LVR Archaeological Park Xanten. On the site of the Roman city of Colonia Ulpia Traiana, Germany's largest open-air archaeological museum invites you on an exciting excursion into antiquity.
Highlights of the park The Amphitheatre The Amphitheatre in the LVR-Archseological Park Xanten The Amphitheatre in the LVR-Archseological Park Xanten
One of the park's most striking attractions is the partially reconstructed arena of the Roman Colonia. Highlights of the park
UNESCO World Heritage Lower German Limes Rome's fluid border The Limes Pavillon in the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten The Limes Pavillon in the LVR-Archaeological Park Xanten
The Roman border on the Rhine, the Lower Germanic Limes, secured the Roman Empire and was a place of trade and cultural exchange. Since 2021, the Lower Germanic Limes has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Lower German Limes
Highlights of the park The Roman Ships Shields lining the side of the Shields lining the side of the
Six Roman ships were rebuilt in the APX wood workshop. The ships themselves and all the background information on their construction can be found in the ship tent and in the inclusive wood workshop. Highlights of the park
Research New findings Archaeology students at work in an excavation Archaeology students at work in an excavation
Excavations are an integral part of the work at APX. But not only archaeologists, but also students can pick up the trowel and learn the art of excavation in the historically significant ground. Research
Highlights in the Park Gastronomy Baroque windmill with a modern extension to the right, chairs, tables and umbrellas in front of it Baroque windmill with a modern extension to the right, chairs, tables and umbrellas in front of it
Whether it's a picnic on the APX meadows, a slice of cake at the Taberna or delicious chips in the restored coffee mill - there's something for every appetite. Highlights in the Park
  • On Wednesday, 19 and Friday, 21 March, there will be odour nuisance in the LVR-Römermuseum due to construction work.
  • Due to urgent construction work, the LVR-Römermuseum will be closed in the week after Easter, from 22 to 25 April. During this time, admission is reduced.
  • KaffeeMühle and Taberna are now closed on Mondays.
  • The north gate and the games house are closed due to construction work. You can try out Roman games in the basement of the LVR-Römermuseum!

How to reach us

Entrance City Center: Am Amphitheater

Entrance Harbor Temple: Am Rheintor

Entrance LVR-RömerMuseum: Trajanstraße 10

46509 Xanten

+49 2801 712-0

Opening hours

March to October: Monday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.

November: Monday to Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

December to February: Monday to Sunday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Park and museum are closed on December 24, 25 and 31. Open on New Year's Day.